Monday, December 10, 2012

Redirection Exhibition

Our exhibition poster
Exhibition description
My label
My "room" - exhibition space
Other half of my space
Work in the round...
Work in the round two...
People viewing my work.
People in our gallery, viewing after artist talks.
Giving my artist talk!


"Despair" Shaina Sieh © 2012
"Fear" Shaina Sieh © 2012
"Inferior" Shaina Sieh © 2012
"Forsaken" Shaina Sieh © 2012

"Shame" - Shaina Sieh © 2012

For this body of work, I sought words to create images based on a transcribed word and to treat the literal text in a photographic manner. Through layering and collage, I wanted to explore this age old relationship of text and image. The text is based off of certain words, the images are based on the text, and the words then title the image.
Five words were selected and given to five chosen writers. Each writer took their own interpretation of the word and the letter they then sent me. Depending on the word, their character, and experiences, I received very different responses and yet there were common themes to a lot of the expressions in these letters, a bit of an old-fashioned means of communication. Their intent, purpose and reason for writing what they did is still their secret.
In reading the letters, I allowed them to conjure images to collaborate the idea in the text as well as my overall theme in choosing the five words.  The idea of a mummy, bound, held in death, restricted and unable to be free was the image that repeatedly came to mind when I read these letters. I used this symbol to pull the different threads and ideas together.
People tend to hold on to things in life. Sometimes these things are unpleasant words or ideas, such as depression, loneliness or not feeling significant. These images are meant to connect the text, the visual space and play of light to the experience of these issues all humans go through.
Everyone can recall a time or experience when they were affected by such ugly company as regret or terror of the unknown. Reading the text is not essential to viewing the work, but even skimming the text for key words changes the work as one enters different levels of participation with the images. By tying the images to the text, the proverbial voice of experience, it binds the verbal expression, and the image into one piece.

Shaina Sieh © 2012