About Me

Shaina Melodie Sieh
906 Barland Street Apt. 10, Eau Claire, WI, 54701
shaina.sieh@gmail.com - (507)-217-1110


I make photographs, of people, children, families, friends, mankind.
My work has connecting threads, but rarely a clear definition in the flexible medium of photography. My images show a vein of fantasy, a flare for the imaginative and ethereal, but also for life and the joy that life brings in the smallest ways.

I build photos, of trees, landscapes, creatures, and the magic.
My camera provides a means of escape. The escape from life and stress while taking pictures, for a few short hours, sets me free to create. I delve into a picture and pull out the essence of what I want to say or show through the calm process of execution, composition, and editing. The activity is relaxing and the creation process is exhilarating.

I snap pictures. My hobby is writing, my passion is music, and photography is my joy. A love for nature and for people shows up repeatedly in my work. People tell stories and a photograph can capture something of that person, which is always a challenge when shooting. Nature has perfection and an exquisite design that leaves me transfixed and in awe of all that is around me. These elements of nature and humanity are returning themes in my photographic work.

I create images. Of time, reality, music, beauty, the moments.
To capture life, to remind you of something, to make you smile, to make you angry, to find a common appreciation of the same image; these are my goals. Photos speak loudly across time and through silence, making a powerful mark and statement in our technological era. I work in digital and some film, continually creating whatever inspires me.
I construct photographs.

Shaina Sieh

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