Friday, November 9, 2012

Cherished No More

                                        Cherished No More

Every year 3.3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States. In 2010, Wisconsin had 26,452 investigated abuse reports. Minnesota reports show that of the 4,742 actual abuse cases in 2009, 70% suffered from neglect. The U.S. Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey averages 207,754 victims, ages 12 and older, of rape and sexual assault each year. One in four women will experience domestic violence in a lifetime, while 15% of domestic violence victims are male.

My interest in the issue of abuse started with volunteer work with children in the Minnesota social system, as a camp counselor. Repeatedly, the tragedy, the injustice and damage inflicted on humans by other humans staggers me. This issue awakens within me an instinct to protect, help and care for the unwanted in our society.  

The goal of this work is to meld portraiture with a psychological representation of the effects of abuse upon men and women, young and old, to create a visual experience of what abuse does to mankind. This is represented in the posture, expression, negative space and the emphasis on certain lines. This pictorial collage is one way to channel my passion and heart for the mistreated and unwanted. In a very minor way, it is my resistance to abuse and the complacent acceptance of it in our society.

The 16 figures used for this project are models only and not actual abuse victims. A special thanks to all of them for their collaboration and assistance.

Shaina Sieh
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Department of Art & Design Fall 2012 ©Shaina Sieh 2012

Statistic Resources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Child Welfare League of America; Prevent Child Abuse, Minnesota; Domestic Violence Resource Center.

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